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Our Training Offer

Leeds Children’s Speech and Language Therapy Service provides a range of high-quality training packages that will enable you to identify and support the needs of children and young people with speech, language and communication needs in the early years, primary, secondary and specialist provisions.

Our aim is to develop your skills and confidence in implementing speech and language interventions, across individual, small group and whole school levels. As language and communication underpins all learning, emotional wellbeing and social interaction, these skills will facilitate your students to reach their full potential, academically and emotionally.

We also jointly run a Post Graduate Certificate qualification in Advanced Practice in Speech, Language and Communication Needs with Leeds Trinity University. More information about this can be found below.

Practitioner Training 

We are pleased to announce that we are now offering online training courses which can be viewed and booked online here via Eventbrite

  • Understanding Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) and Using the SLCN Screening Tool across the ages.

    These courses develop the practitioner’s understanding of speech, language, and communication skills and how to identify children with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN). Practitioners will be trained in how to use the Leeds SLCN Screening Tool, relevant to the age group that they work with, and how to identify the next steps in supporting children with SLCN in their setting:

    • Early Years - Understanding and Screening for Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)
    • Primary School - Understanding and Screening for Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)
    • High School - Understanding and Screening for Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)
  • These sessions provide a more detailed insight into specific areas of speech, language and communication skills and provide evidence-based strategies and approaches to support language and communication development:

    • Preverbal Communication - Understanding and Support
    • Social Communication and Interaction - Understanding and Support
    • Speech Sounds - Identification and Intervention
    • Visual Support for Speech, Language and Communication Needs
  • These courses cover approaches that work best when they are embedded across a whole-school setting. These sessions teach the theory and implementation of the approaches, as well as demonstrating how they can be practically implemented across settings. We can also further support settings to fully embed the approach across their school through our consultation sessions:

    • Colourful Semantics
    • Talk Boost (KS1 and KS2)
    • Early Talk Boost (EYFS)
    • Word Aware
    • Leeds Communication Friendly Schools Standard
  • These courses develop understanding and skills in identifying and supporting more specific speech, language, and communication needs to a greater depth. These courses also develop the practitioner’s skills in implementing more specialist intervention approaches:

    • DLD - Supporting Children with Developmental Language Disorder
    • SSD - Supporting Children with Speech Sound Disorder
    • Stammering - Supporting Children and Young People Who Stammer in Settings
    • Intensive Interaction
    • Leeds Communication Friendly Schools – Environmental Modification to Support Children and Young People with SLCN
    • The Impact of Trauma on Children’s Communication

  • Makaton is a unique language programme that uses symbols, signs and speech to enable people to communicate. It supports the development of essential communication skills such as attention and listening, comprehension, memory, recall and organisation of language and expression.

    By using Makaton, children and adults can take a more active part in life, because communication and language are the key to everything we do and learn.

    Our Makaton workshops are delivered by a Licensed Makaton tutor and are nationally recognised by the Makaton Charity. Participants will receive a national Makaton certificate. The workshops will either be delivered face to face or online.

    • Makaton Taster: A general introduction to Makaton and its use and introduces you to approximately 30 key signs and symbols.
    • Makaton Level 1 and 2 Workshops: A detailed introduction to the Makaton Core Vocabulary and combines a practical approach with theory and technical information. During practical sessions you will learn approximately 125 signs and symbols from the Core Vocabulary.
    • Level 3 and 4: Makaton Level 3 and 4 Workshops: these one day workshops are advanced courses for staff that are using Makaton every day and have established signing skills.
  • We can offer half-day sessions in your setting or remotely offering:

    Training tasters: An introduction to our training courses to give you an idea of which course would be best for your setting, or a brief taster session of one of our courses.

    Training follow-ups: Already attended one of our training sessions but need a refresher? These sessions enable you to have a recap on training you have previously attended with support on starting to embed the learning within your setting.

    Support with whole school approaches: Access coaching and support to embed strategies into your setting e.g. Colourful Semantics, Intensive Interaction, Makaton. Access advice on how to get going with and maintaining a whole school approach to ensure your setting gets the most out of the approach.

    Intervention workshops: A chance to observe modelling of intervention approaches. Get support on setting up interventions or advice around where to go next with interventions already running in your setting.


    Is there something else you would like support with? Have a chat with the training team - we offer bespoke training packages tailored to the individual needs of your setting.

Setting Specific Courses

  • Supporting Children with Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) and English as an Additional Language (EAL).
  • Intensive Interaction.

Post Graduate Certificate qualification in Advanced Practice in Speech Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)

Jointly with Leeds Trinity University we now run a Post Graduate Certificate qualification in Advanced Practice in Speech Language and Communication Needs (SLCN).

The programme aims to enable you to transform your setting’s response and develop provision to meet the ever-changing needs and challenges of those with SLCN. This will enable you to deliver high-quality interventions in your setting and progress in becoming a leader in this area of SEND across your setting.

This programme is highly innovative and allows you to gain credit for work-based learning, allowing professionals who work full-time in educational settings, or as Speech and Language Therapy Assistants, to access a vocational, work-related and practice-based course, alongside employment.

This qualification would be particularly useful for those wanting to progress in the SEND workforce in nurseries, schools, and colleges. For example, SENCo’s, SEN leads, aspirant SENCo’s, early years leads, key stage leads in primary schools, school leadership, Higher Level Teaching Assistants and teaching assistants and staff working in Alternative Provision or local authority educational services. Speech and Language Therapy Assistants, in the healthcare sector, would also find this course very useful in supporting their skills and career progression.

Click here to find out more, including how to apply for the course. 

You can also contact if you have any questions.

Bespoke Courses

Need a mix of training? Contact us about our Bespoke training packages. We can work with you and your specific training requirement to develop courses that are tailored to the needs of your setting and staff.

Screening Assessment Tools

Our screening assessment tool uses pictures and tasks to help identify children who may have speech, language or communication difficulties. By completing the screen, you will know if the child would benefit from some extra support or whether they would meet the criteria for a referral to the Children's Speech and Language Therapy Service.

To ensure you get the most out of screening tool, we have developed a video which talks you through completing the screen and provides you with some useful tips.

You can watch the video here.

To access the screen:

Childcare settings and schools in the Leeds area please fill in the Screening tool request form and email it to . 

If you are not from a childcare setting or school in the Leeds area you are can access a copy of the screens by attending training. You can book on via Eventbrite or, alternatively, we are able to offer the training to a number of staff in your setting on date / time that suits you. Please contact us if you would like to discuss this option on 0113 84 33608 or email

Flexible ways of working

We work hard to be able to adapt our ways of delivering training to ensure that we continue providing necessary support to schools and wider settings and we have listened to and acted on feedback to continually improve both our online and face-to-face training.

We will continue to run most of our courses online as this has been found to be a much more accessible option for practitioners. If you would like to attend a course face-to-face, please get in touch about our ‘Setting Specific’ options. Contact details can be found above.

Interested? What next?

If you would like to book onto one of our training courses or discuss your training requirements with us please get in touch.

Booking Details

To book a place on a citywide course, please click here. To book a setting specific course or for any other queries, please telephone the Speech and Language Therapy Administration team – Leeds on 0113 843 3608 or email

8:00 am to 4:00 pm 

Monday to Friday

They will take your details and e-mail or post you a booking form. Your place will only be confirmed when a completed booking form is received.

Contact and Referral Details

View our contact and referral page

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