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Here at Leeds Community Healthcare we are dedicated to providing services equally, regardless of an individual's race, belief, gender or sexual orientation. 

Equality Act

The Equality Act of 2010 requires public bodies to publish relevant, proportionate information that shows compliance with the Equality Duty, and to set equality objectives -find out more about the Equality Act 2010 by clicking here.

You can read more about how this applies to patient care here.

Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES)

The Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) has been developed as a tool to measure improvements in the workforce with respect to Black & Minority Ethnic (BME) staff with many of the methods being transferable to focusing on other groups.  It is an NHS initiative that has been conceived by the national NHS Equality & Diversity Council; through collaboration with NHS staff and independent researchers.  The challenge to ensure BME staff are treated fairly and their talents valued and developed is one that all NHS organisations need to meet because:

  • Research shows that unfair treatment of BME staff adversely affects the care and treatment of all patients
  • Talent is being wasted through unfairness in the appointment, treatment and development of a large section of the NHS workforce
  • Precious resources are wasted through the impact of such treatment on the morale, discretionary effort, and other consequences of such treatment
  • Research shows that diverse teams and leaderships are more likely to show the innovation, and increase the organisational effectiveness, the NHS needs
  • Organisations whose leadership composition bears little relationship to that of the communities served will be less likely to deliver the patient focussed care that is needed

LCH is committed to addressing any inequalities that exist for staff and continues to welcome the WRES as a tool to show, transparently, where improvements made be needed so as to establish and maintain inclusive workplaces for all.

WRES Indicators & action plan

There are a total of nine indicators that make up the WRES split across Workforce Data, National NHS Staff Survey and Trust Board Representation. These are designed to help us track our progress in tackling any inequalities in the workforce.

Click here to read the WRES Performance 2019-2023

Click here to read the WRES Action Plan 2023-2024

Workforce Disability Equality Standard 

The Workforce Disability Equality Standard, (WDES), is a set of specific measures, (metrics), that allows us to compare the experiences of disabled and non-disabled staff. 

The WDES helps us to maintain a motivated, included and valued workforce, which in turn helps us to deliver high quality patient care, increased patient satisfaction and improve patient safety. 

Click here to read the WDES Performance 2019-2023

Click here to read the WDES Action Plan 2022-24

Gender Pay Gap 

Gender Pay Gap legislation requires all employers of 250 or more employees to publish their gender pay gap as at 31st March. The 2022/23 data is based on a snapshot date of 31st March 2022, sourced from the Electronic Staff Record (ESR) system, which holds all of  our employee data. You can also view our data submitted to the Governments Gender Pay Gap reporting portal by clicking on this link  

Read the Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Gender Pay Gap Report statement of assurance here.

(Please contact if you need this document in an accessible format.)

Equality Delivery System (EDS) 2022

The implementation of the EDS 2022 framework was developed to support NHS organisations to meet the requirements set out in the Equality Act 2010 and public sector duty (PSED) and is the foundation of equality improvement. It is driven by evidence and insight and provides a focus for organisations to assess the physical impact of discrimination, stress, and inequality, providing an opportunity for organisations to support a healthier and happier workforce, which will in turn increase the quality of care provided for our patients and service users.

 EDS 2022 comprises of eleven outcomes spread across three Domains, which are:

 Domain 1 – Commissioned or provided services – this is to improve access to services, health outcomes, and experience of care and to ensure our patients and service users who have protected characteristics and from marginalised groups, are free from harm. You can find out how Domain 1 connects with our focus on equity in patient care here.

 Domain 2 – Workforce health and well-being – The health and wellbeing of our workforce is critical, and we are best placed to support healthy living and lifestyles. The EDS recognises that our NHS workforce are also our patients, who belong to various community groups; the very same community groups that we serve as the NHS.

 Domain 3 – Inclusive leadership This domain examines how our senior leadership sets the culture and tone in determining how inclusive LYPFT is. It comprises three outcomes that are a test of commitment and ‘inclusive leadership’.

Our overall EDS Organisation Rating is 25, identifying that LCH is Achieving  in all domains.

You view the Domain evidence click on the links below:

Domain 1

Domain 2

Domain 3

You can view the NHS EDS information including the grading and technical guide by clicking here.

NHS Partners - Diversity and Inclusion Partners Programme

d and i partners logoThese programmes support participating trusts to progress and develop their equality performance and to build capacity in this area. The partners programme is based on four developmental modules over twelve months that provide partners with detailed strategic policy support, the opportunity to undertake personal development and a forum to share good practice and network with fellow colleagues in the NHS, and other diversity and inclusion subject matter experts.

Disability Confident Leader

dc_badge3We are a proud employer and promoter of the Disability Confident scheme and we are a recognised Disability Confident Leader. This means we are committed to good practice in employing disabled people and we guarantee to interview all disabled applicants who meet the minimum criteria for any post advertised, providing the applicant has indicated on the application that they have a disability in accordance with the Equality Act 2010.

The Trust promotes and supports the employment of people who use our services. As a matter of good practice, we have service user and carer representation in our recruitment processes. We are also committed to supporting disabled people in the workplace and promoting disability confidence in the Trust.

Stonewall Diversity Champions

CaptureWe are part of the Stonewall Diversity Champions programme and have been since 2011. This means we are one of more than 750 organisations that work hard to make sure all LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender) staff are accepted without exception in the workplace.

We share the Stonewall core belief that a workplace that is truly equal is a powerful workplace and we aim to create inclusive and accepting environments for our workforce. 

Each year we take part in the Stonewall UK Workplace Equality Index to demonstrate our progress and achievement in ten areas of employment policy and practice. Our workforce also has the opportunity to complete a survey anonymously to share their experiences  of diversity and inclusion at work. Read more about the Stonewall UK Workplace Equality Index by clicking here. 

Detailed feedback from Stonewall helps us to understand what’s going well and where to focus our efforts, as well as providing a comparison with others in the health sector.

You can read more about the Stonewall Diversity Champions programme by clicking here. 

If you have any queries, comments or feedback please contact or Carla Primmer, Equality Diversity and Inclusion Project Officer

Inclusive Top 50 Company


In recognition of our continued dedication to workplace diversity, we have been included in a definitive list of UK based organisations that promotes inclusion.

d and i partners logo  dc_badge3



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