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Service specific Privacy Notices

If you require this information orally, please contact us on: 0113 220 8572

  • Adult Nutrition and Dietetic service

    Our Adult Nutrition and Dietetic Service is a city wide service supporting adults (16 years and older) with a wide range of nutrition and health problems. On referral, the service will offer a consultation at a local clinic or if needed a home visit (including care homes). The service also provides education groups for cardiac and respiratory problems as these are shown to be effective in supporting people to improve their lifestyles.

    Purpose of processing

    Leeds Community Healthcare (LCH) through the Adult Dietetic Service work with individuals to identify the changes that are needed and support the person and any carers by providing practical and accurate information. This requires the processing of patient data. The reasons for processing patient data are:

    • To provide general advice to the public/health professionals around nutrition and hydration
    • To have contact and next of kin information for staff in case of an emergency
    • To be able to effectively provide treatment to the patient
    • To maintain an accurate clinical record

    Source of data:

    • Other health professionals
    • SystmOne (LCH’s system that holds patients record)
    • Directly from Patient

    Categories of recipient

    • Patient
    • Dietetics Service
    • Health professionals

    Categories of Personal Data

    • Demographics
    • NHS Number
    • Clinical details
    • Appointment details

    Legal basis of processing

    For GDPR purposes Leeds community healthcare’s lawful basis for processing is Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’ and Article 6(1)(b) – ‘…for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party…’ and also Article 6(1)(c) – where processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject.

    For the processing of special categories (health) data the basis is Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’. Where we process special categories data for employment or safeguarding purposes the condition is Article 9(2)(b) – processing is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the controller or of the data subject in the field of employment and social security and social protection law…

  • Cardiac service

    The cardiac service provides specialist care, education and support for adult patients who are registered with a Leeds GP who have the following heart conditions:

    • Diagnosis of a heart attack (myocardial infarction)
    • Patients who have had heart bypass surgery or valve replacement
    • Patients who have had percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), sometimes known as an angioplasty
    • Patients with a diagnosis of heart failure

    Our service covers two main areas of care: Management of heart failure and Cardiac Rehabilitation. The service is provided at home (if the patient is housebound) or in a clinic setting. The number of contacts offered is based on individual need of the patient.

    Purpose of processing

    Leeds Community Healthcare (LCH) through the Cardiac Service provides an excellent Cardiac Service across the city of Leeds in partnership with the Primary Care GP services, and the Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust. This requires the processing of patient data. The reasons for processing patient data are:

    • Operational team management
    • To be able to effectively provide treatment to the patient
    • Patient monitoring of long term condition allowing clinical access to real-time data
    • Patient referral
    • To maintain an accurate clinical record

    Source of data:

    • NHS mail
    • Post
    • SystmOne (LCH’s patient management system)

    Categories of recipient

    • Patient
    • Cardiac service
    • Health professionals

    Categories of Personal Data

    • Demographics
    • NHS Number
    • Clinical details
    • Phone number

    Legal basis of processing

    For GDPR purposes Leeds community healthcare’s lawful basis for processing is Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’ and Article 6(1)(b) – ‘…for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party…’ and also Article 6(1)(c) – where processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject. For the processing of special categories (health) data the basis is Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’. Where we process special categories data for employment or safeguarding purposes the condition is Article 9(2)(b) – processing is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the controller or of the data subject in the field of employment and social security and social protection law…

  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)

    CAMHS is a specialist mental health service for children and young people. Our staff are highly trained in a range of different assessment techniques and evidence based therapies.

    Purpose of processing

    Leeds Community Healthcare through the CAMHS Service work closely in teams so that we can offer services tailored to the needs of the children, young people and families we see.

    This requires the processing of patient data. The reasons for processing patient data are:

    • To be able to effectively provide treatment to the patient
    • To maintain an accurate clinical record
    • Referrals
    • Patient correspondence

    Source of data:

    • Other health Professionals
    • The Police
    • SystmOne (LCH’s system that holds patients record)
    • Directly from Patient

    Categories of recipient:

    • Patient
    • CAMHS service
    • Health professionals

    Categories of Personal Data

    • Name
    • Date of birth
    • NHS Number
    • Ethnicity
    • Address
    • Primary carer/contact details
    • Siblings (names and ages)
    • GP details
    • Referrers details
    • School attended
    • Clinical details
    • Risks
    • Demographics
    • Gender
    • Primary carer/contact details
    • Siblings (names and ages)
    • Assessment referral
    • Pseudonymised data

    Legal basis of processing

    For GDPR purposes Leeds community healthcare’s lawful basis for processing is Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’ and Article 6(1)(b) – ‘…for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party…’ and also Article 6(1)(c) – where processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject. For the processing of special categories (health) data the basis is Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’. Where we process special categories data for employment or safeguarding purposes the condition is Article 9(2)(b) – processing is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the controller or of the data subject in the field of employment and social security and social protection law…

  • Our Children’s Nutrition and Dietetic Service is a citywide service supporting children, aged 0-16 years (19 for learning disabilities), with a wide range of nutrition and health problems including:

    Purpose of processing

    Leeds Community Healthcare (LCH) through the Children’s Dietetic Service work with individuals to identify the changes that are needed and support the person and any carers by providing practical and accurate information. This requires the processing of patient data. The reasons for processing patient data are:

    • To provide general advice to the public/health professionals around nutrition and hydration
    • To have contact and next of kin information for staff in case of an emergency
    • To be able to effectively provide treatment to the patient
    • To maintain an accurate clinical record

    Source of data:

    • GPs
    • community paediatricians
    • school nurses
    • specialist nurses
    • health visitors
    • other allied health professionals (AHPs)


    Categories of recipient

    • Patient
    • Dietetics Service
    • Health professionals


    Categories of Personal Data

    • Demographics
    • NHS Number
    • Clinical details
    • Appointment details


    Legal basis of processing

    For GDPR purposes Leeds community healthcare’s lawful basis for processing is Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’

    For the processing of special categories (health) data the basis is Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’.


    Updated Jan 2024

  • Children's Speech and Language Therapy (CSLT) Service

    The Leeds Children's Speech and Language Therapy service supports children and young people aged 0-19 years old, and up to age 25 in special circumstances (ie has Complex Needs requiring an EHCP) who have speech, language and communication difficulties. To access the service clients must have either a Leeds postcode, Leeds GP or pay their Council Tax to Leeds City Council.

    The main focus of our work is to help young people develop the best possible communication skills they can in light of their difficulties. For some, this might be spoken communication but for others it might be learning to use communication aids or a signs / symbols / gestures approach.

    Purpose of processing

    Leeds Community Healthcare (LCH) through the CSLT service usually works in partnership with others to help a child or young person to manage and develop their communication skills. This often means working with parents (and other family members), teachers, support assistants, respite staff, childcare workers or anybody that the child/young person has regular contact or support from. This requires the processing of patient data. The reasons for processing patient data are:

    • Referrals
    • To be able to effectively provide treatment to the patient
    • To maintain an accurate clinical record
    • For collection of clinical and non-clinical data
    • Document service level agreements

    Source of data:

    • SystmOne (LCH’s patient management system)
    • Education professionals
    • Healthcare professionals
    • Parent
    • Email
    • Post

    Categories of recipient

    • Health professional
    • CSLT service
    • Education professional (school or nursery)

    Categories of Personal Data

    • Patient name
    • NHS Number
    • Address
    • DOB
    • Telephone Number
    • Clinical data
    • Safeguarding information

    Legal basis of processing

    For GDPR purposes Leeds community healthcare’s lawful basis for processing is Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’ and Article 6(1)(b) – ‘…for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party…’ and also Article 6(1)(c) – where processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject. For the processing of special categories (health) data the basis is Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’. Where we process special categories data for employment or safeguarding purposes the condition is Article 9(2)(b) – processing is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the controller or of the data subject in the field of employment and social security and social protection law…

  • Continuing Care Nursing and Short Term Breaks

    Continuing Care Nursing and Short Term Breaks service offer short term breaks and support to children with complex additional needs and their families.


    Purpose of processing

    We work with children who have complex health needs requiring a significant amount of nursing care.

    Our team is made up of nurses and carers trained to provide nursing care for children with complex healthcare needs and their families.

    We offer nursing and respite care (temporary, short-term breaks and support) to enable families to look after their child at home.

    We aim to:

    • Work together to care for and support each child and family
    • Offer continuity of care by clearly communicating with all those involved in the child’s care
    • Offer a professional relationship based on mutual respect, trust and confidentiality
    • Ensure the whole family feels supported


    Source of data:

    • GP referrals
    • Leeds Community Health


    Categories of recipient

    • Health professionals


    Categories of Personal Data

    • Demographics
    • NHS Number
    • Clinical details


    Legal basis of processing

    For the processing of Personal Data:

    Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’

    For the processing of special categories data::

    Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’.


    Last review date

    December 2023

  • Community dental service

    The Community Dental Service (CDS) provides NHS dental care for children and adults who have dental treatment needs which cannot be met in a general dental practice. The majority of our patients have physical, sensory, intellectual, mental, medical, emotional or social impairment, or more often a combination of these factors.

    Purpose of processing

    Leeds Community Healthcare through the community dental service meets the individual treatment needs of each patient by providing personalised care plans and oral health education as well as general anaesthetic and sedation services.

    This requires the processing of patient data. The reasons for processing patient data are:

    • To maintain accurate clinical records
    • To be able to effectively provide treatment to the patient
    • Construction of prosthesis & Models
    • To ensure accurate management and running of the service

    Source of data:

    • Other Health professional referral
    • SOE
    • Staff
    • NHS mail

    Categories of recipient

    • Community dental service
    • Q drive
    • Patient or carer/nominated person
    • Patient clinical paper/electronic record
    • NHS BSA
    • Other health care provider

    Categories of Personal Data

    • Patients Name
    • DOB
    • Age
    • NHS number
    • Address
    • NI number
    • Carer details
    • Clinical Details
    • GP details
    • Referrer details: Telephone numbers, Postcode, Medical information

    Legal basis of processing

    For GDPR purposes Leeds community healthcare’s lawful basis for processing is Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’ and Article 6(1)(b) – ‘…for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party…’ and also Article 6(1)(c) – where processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject. For the processing of special categories (health) data the basis is Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’. Where we process special categories data for employment or safeguarding purposes the condition is Article 9(2)(b) – processing is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the controller or of the data subject in the field of employment and social security and social protection law…

  • Community Fall Service

    The Community Falls Service is a citywide specialist service working with older people to reduce their risk of falling. We provide specialist assessment, treatment and advice to older people, usually aged 60 years and above, in their own homes or in a community/clinic setting, to reduce the risk of falling and to maintain safety and independence.

    Purpose of processing

    • Provide specialist falls risk assessments to older people who are likely to be frail, have complex presentations/multi-pathologies, unexplained dizziness, and are therefore at higher risk of falls
    • Support older people in the community and help to prevent avoidable, unnecessary admission to hospital or premature admission into long-term care
    • Provide specialist physiotherapy interventions aiming to reduce the risk of future falls and fear of falling – this may include provision of an exercise programme or onward referral to other services as required
    • Identify changes in person’s functional status and confidence during the service’s intervention by use of clinical assessment tools and outcome measures
    • Provide specialist falls advice and support to other community health and social care professionals
    • Provide education to community health and social care professionals and services in collaboration with other health care teams

    The team also works closely with Consultant Geriatricians and a Pharmacist to provide support to complex high risk falls patients.

    Source of data:

    • GP referrals
    • Leeds Community Health neighbourhood Teams


    Categories of recipient

    • Health professionals


    Categories of Personal Data

    • “Demographics
    • NHS Number
    • Clinical details
    • Appointment details


    Legal basis of processing

    For the processing of Personal Data:

    Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’

    For the processing of special categories data::

    Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’.


    Last review date

    December 2023

  • Continence, Urology and Colorectal (CUCS)

    Continence, Urology and Colorectal (CUCS) service supports adults with bladder, bowel or stoma and catheter problems.

    Purpose of processing

    We provide assessment and treatment of adults with bladder, bowel or stoma and catheter problems.

    We support patients and their family/carer to self-care and control their symptoms.

    We hold specialist clinics across the city and see patients at home if necessary. 

    The service also provides advice and education to Neighbourhood Teams and other health, social or informal carer. 

    Examples of our care include: 

    • Accessible care for people with bladder, bowel, pelvic floor and stoma problems
    • Specialist nursing care for patients with complex bladder, bowel, stoma and catheter problems
    • Providing advice on other containment products
    • Prescribing appropriate, cost-effective treatments 


    Source of data:

    • GP referrals
    • Leeds Community Health neighbourhood Teams
    • Hospital
    • Self referral- made by, or on behalf of, the patient


    Categories of recipient

    • Health professionals


    Categories of Personal Data

    • “Demographics
    • NHS Number
    • Clinical details
    • Appointment details


    Legal basis of processing

    For the processing of Personal Data:

    Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’

    For the processing of special categories data::

    Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’.


    Last review date

    December 2023

  • Community Intravenous Antibiotic Service (CIVAS)

    CIVAS is an established community nursing team in Leeds that provides intravenous therapy for housebound patients within their own homes and within a community clinic setting, as an alternative to an extended stay in hospital. The CIVAS team aim to facilitate early hospital discharge for patients who are medically fit but require an extended course of intravenous antibiotic therapy. The overall aim of the service is to improve patient experience, choice, wellbeing and quality of life.

    Purpose of processing

    Leeds Community Healthcare (LCH) through CIVAS works with hospital based clinical nurses, Infectious Disease consultants, microbiologists and specialist pharmacists to provide a Multidisciplinary approach to care. This requires the processing of patient data. The reasons for processing patient data are:

    • Central Storage of electronic files
    • To be able to effectively provide treatment to the patient
    • To maintain an accurate clinical record
    • Collation of anonymised FFT information to ensure accuracy of data collection

    Source of data:

    • NHS mail
    • SystmOne (LCH’s patient management system)
    • Other healthcare professionals
    • Directly from patient

    Categories of recipient

    • Patient
    • CIVAS
    • Health professionals

    Categories of Personal Data

    • Patient Name
    • NHS Number
    • Address
    • DOB
    • Treatment plan
    • Clinical data
    • HIV status

    Legal basis of processing

    For GDPR purposes Leeds community healthcare’s lawful basis for processing is Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’ and Article 6(1)(b) – ‘…for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party…’ and also Article 6(1)(c) – where processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject. For the processing of special categories (health) data the basis is Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’. Where we process special categories data for employment or safeguarding purposes the condition is Article 9(2)(b) – processing is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the controller or of the data subject in the field of employment and social security and social protection law…

  • Diabetes service

    We see people with complicated Type II diabetes to offer them and their GP support in dealing with diabetes and its complications. The service is based in a number of health centers across Leeds so patients can access care close to their home.

    Purpose of processing

    Leeds Community Healthcare (LCH) through the diabetes work with patients to come up with a plan to help them manage their diabetes. This requires the processing of patient data. The reasons for processing patient data are:

    • Requests by commissioners - to investigate alternatives on S1
    • To be able to effectively provide treatment to the patient
    • To maintain an accurate clinical record
    • Referrals

    Source of data:

    • Other healthcare professionals
    • Directly from the patient
    • SystmOne (LCH’s patient management system)

    Categories of recipient

    • Health professional
    • Diabetes service

    Categories of Personal Data

    • Patient Name
    • NHS Number
    • Address
    • DOB
    • Telephone Number
    • Clinical data
    • Medical history

    Legal basis of processing

    For GDPR purposes Leeds community healthcare’s lawful basis for processing is Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’ and Article 6(1)(b) – ‘…for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party…’ and also Article 6(1)(c) – where processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject. For the processing of special categories (health) data the basis is Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’. Where we process special categories data for employment or safeguarding purposes the condition is Article 9(2)(b) – processing is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the controller or of the data subject in the field of employment and social security and social protection law…

  • Gynaecology service

    The Community Gynaecology service aims to provide a friendly high quality service for benign gynaecological conditions, providing specialist care in different community settings adhering to the principles of “Care closer to Home”.

    We are able to manage the following conditions:

    • Menopause and premenstrual syndrome management
    • Management of abnormal uterine bleeding
    • Vaginal prolapse / urinary incontinence
    • Difficult IUD / IUS fit and removals
    • Complex contraceptive problems
    • Benign vulval disorders
    • Sterilisation requests

    Purpose of processing

    Leeds Community Healthcare through the gynaecology service provides a care service for benign gynaecological conditions. This requires the processing of patient data. The reasons for processing patient data are:

    • To maintain accurate clinical records
    • Recording of prescriptions given
    • To be able to effectively provide treatment to the patient
    • Electronic Personnel files

    Source of data:

    • Leeds Teaching Hospitals PAS
    • SystmOne (LCH’s patient management system)

    Categories of recipient

    • Gynaecology service
    • Patient
    • Leeds Teaching Hospitals

    Categories of Personal Data

    • Patient Name
    • NHS Number
    • Address
    • DOB
    • Appointment date

    Legal basis of processing

    For GDPR purposes Leeds community healthcare’s lawful basis for processing is Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’ and Article 6(1)(b) – ‘…for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party…’ and also Article 6(1)(c) – where processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject. For the processing of special categories (health) data the basis is Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’. Where we process special categories data for employment or safeguarding purposes the condition is Article 9(2)(b) – processing is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the controller or of the data subject in the field of employment and social security and social protection law…

  • Health case management service

    The Health Case Management Service provides timely case management for the population of Leeds (those aged 18 and over) who are eligible for NHS Fast Track and Continuing Healthcare Funding and have a Leeds GP. This includes in hospitals, community beds or in your own home. The team includes Health Case Managers and Health Case Management Assistants who are professionals with health or social care backgrounds and have a wealth of experience in all aspects of health case management.

    Purpose of processing

    Leeds Community Healthcare through the health case management service assesses your health case management needs by working with you and your family to ensure the services you receive are individual to you. This requires the processing of patient data. The reasons for processing patient data are:

    • Maintain accurate clinical records
    • To be able to effectively provide treatment to the patient
    • Referrals
    • To create and manage care plans

    Source of data:

    • SystmOne (LCH’s patient management system)
    • Direct from the patient
    • CHC
    • Health Case Manager

    Categories of recipient

    • SystmOne (LCH’s patient management system)
    • Other healthcare services
    • Nursing homes
    • Patient

    Categories of Personal Data

    • Patient Name
    • NHS Number
    • Address
    • DOB
    • Clinical data
    • MCA information
    • Current location
    • Telephone number
    • Fast track status.
    • Completed care plan
    • CHC ID
    • Assessment date
    • Outcome of Panel

    Legal basis of processing

    For GDPR purposes Leeds community healthcare’s lawful basis for processing is Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’ and Article 6(1)(b) – ‘…for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party…’ and also Article 6(1)(c) – where processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject. For the processing of special categories (health) data the basis is Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’. Where we process special categories data for employment or safeguarding purposes the condition is Article 9(2)(b) – processing is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the controller or of the data subject in the field of employment and social security and social protection law…

  • Health visiting service

    The Health Visiting service offers support with social, emotional and environmental issues that affect families. Here in Leeds, Health Visitors work as part of Early Start Teams with Children’s Centre staff to make the early support, we give to families in their local community, more joined up and focused around your needs. Health Visitors are all trained nurses and have an additional qualification as a specialist practitioner. They all have extensive knowledge about child development and child health, parenting strategies, breast feeding, nutrition, maternal mood, and community support.

    Purpose of processing

    Leeds Community Healthcare (LCH) through the health visiting service offers support to expectant mothers from before the birth of their child, up to 5 years of age. This requires the processing of patient data. The reasons for processing patient data are:

    • Maintain accurate clinical records
    • To be able to effectively provide treatment to the patient
    • Safeguarding of children

    Source of data:

    • Other healthcare services
    • Social Care services
    • Other
    • Police
    • Other healthcare professionals
    • 0-19 service (Health Visiting & School Nursing)
    • PIP
    • SystmOne (LCH’s patient management system)
    • ESR
    • Direct from the patient
    • Children's Centre Staff

    Categories of recipient

    • Health visiting service
    • Children Centres
    • SPA
    • Other healthcare services
    • 0-19 Leadership service
    • Patient

    Categories of Personal Data

    • Name
    • NHS Number
    • Address
    • DOB
    • Telephone Number
    • Clinical data

    Legal basis of processing

    For GDPR purposes Leeds community healthcare’s lawful basis for processing is Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’ and Article 6(1)(b) – ‘…for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party…’ and also Article 6(1)(c) – where processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject. For the processing of special categories (health) data the basis is Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’. Where we process special categories data for employment or safeguarding purposes the condition is Article 9(2)(b) – processing is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the controller or of the data subject in the field of employment and social security and social protection law…

  • Homeless and Health Inclusion

    Homeless and Health Inclusion service provides support to make sure homeless people leave hospital with an effective support network.

    Purpose of processing

    We provide individual support to vulnerable homeless adults. We offer medical and psycho-social support and timely, open and honest discussions to help our patients make their own decisions. 

    Source of data:

    • Hospital wards
    • Forward Leeds Hospital In-reach Team
    • Other partner organisations such as Street Outreach Team, Basis, Joanna Project, St George's Crypt


    Categories of recipient

    • Health professionals


    Categories of Personal Data

    • Demographics
    • NHS Number
    • Clinical details
    • Appointment details


    Legal basis of processing

    For the processing of Personal Data:

    Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’

    For the processing of special categories data::

    Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’.


    Last review date

    December 2023

  • Homeless Admissions Leeds Pathway (HALP)

    HALP promote social inclusion, aiming to improve the ability, opportunity and dignity of those who are disadvantaged. We work to facilitate a discharge plan that will help prevent the revolving door of patients going into hospital vulnerable and being discharged with the same level of vulnerability.

    Purpose of processing

    Leeds Community Healthcare (LCH) through the HALP service provides a care service to support health needs of the patient on discharge and act as an advocate during admission. This requires the processing of patient data. The reasons for processing patient data are:

    • To maintain accurate clinical records
    • To be able to effectively provide treatment to the patient
    • Referral
    • Discharge

    Source of data:

    • Leeds Care Record and Early Discharge team
    • HALP Team

    Categories of recipient

    • SystmOne (LCH’s patient management system)
    • Crypt
    • Housing options
    • Social care services
    • GP

    Categories of Personal Data

    • Patient Name
    • NHS Number
    • DOB
    • Care plan

    Legal basis of processing

    For GDPR purposes Leeds community healthcare’s lawful basis for processing is Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’ and Article 6(1)(b) – ‘…for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party…’ and also Article 6(1)(c) – where processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject. For the processing of special categories (health) data the basis is Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’. Where we process special categories data for employment or safeguarding purposes the condition is Article 9(2)(b) – processing is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the controller or of the data subject in the field of employment and social security and social protection law…


  • Incidents and Serious Incidents team (Clinical Governance)

    Clinical Governance is an overarching umbrella under which all aspects of quality can be collated and monitored, and improvements to patient care can be made. It is a statutory duty placed on NHS organisations since 1999 and requires all healthcare professionals, clinicians, managers and administrative staff, to ensure that the clinical service delivered is “satisfactory, consistent and responsive”. In Leeds Community Healthcare, our clinical governance team is part of Quality and Professional Development which is led by the Director of Nursing.

    Purpose of processing

    Leeds Community Healthcare through the Clinical Governance team provides assurance that the systems and structures are in place to sustain and continuously improve safety and high quality services. This requires the processing of patient data. The reasons for processing patient data are:

    • To ensure compliance with the local policy
    • To be able to effectively provide treatment to the patient
    • Ensuring safety of patients in our care and learning from incident investigations

    Source of data:

    • Direct from member of LCH staff
    • Via incident reporting and management software

    Categories of recipient

    • Quality Professional Development team
    • Clinical commissioning groups (CCG)
    • NRLS

    Categories of Personal Data

    • Patients name
    • Date of birth
    • NHS Number
    • Clinical details based on incident

    Legal basis of processing

    For GDPR purposes Leeds community healthcare’s lawful basis for processing is Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’ and Article 6(1)(b) – ‘…for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party…’ and also Article 6(1)(c) – where processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject. For the processing of special categories (health) data the basis is Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’. Where we process special categories data for employment or safeguarding purposes the condition is Article 9(2)(b) – processing is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the controller or of the data subject in the field of employment and social security and social protection law…

  • Infant Mental Health

    Infant Mental Health service support parents, carers and professionals to make sure that every baby in Leeds has the best possible start in life.


    Purpose of processing

    We aim to promote emotional well-being in infants by supporting caregivers to build secure relationships with their babies.

    We support parents and carers in tackling challenges and developing ways to strengthen the unique relationship between them and their baby. 


    Source of data:

    • Midwifery service
    • LCH 0-19 service
    • Self referral (via Health Care Professional


    Categories of recipient

    • Health professionals


    Categories of Personal Data

    • Demographics
    • NHS Number
    • Clinical details
    • Appointment details


    Legal basis of processing

    For the processing of Personal Data:

    Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’

    For the processing of special categories data::

    Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’.


    Last review date

    December 2023

  • Infection Prevention and Control (IPC)

    Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust is committed to a zero tolerance approach to managing healthcare associated infections (HCAI), such as meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Clostridium difficile (C Diff). The team works closely with all partners in the Leeds health economy to share evidence-based practice and expertise, develop and implement policies to prevent, control and reduce HCAI, carry out training and audit and offer specialist advice and support.

    Purpose of processing

    Leeds Community Healthcare through the IPC service provides specialist advice on effective preventive and control measures for a safer healthcare environment for both staff and service users. This requires the processing of patient data. The reasons for processing patient data are:

    • To identify community cases of C Diff, MRSA and E.coli
    • To aid the RCA process
    • To maintain accurate case records
    • To ensure consent is received prior to the delivery of influenza vaccine, and to

    identify those that fit within the PGD

    Source of data:

    • Other healthcare providers
    • Infection Control and Prevention Team
    • Cassandra (online programme) - Flu jab management form

    Categories of recipient

    • Infection Control and Prevention Team
    • Patient management system
    • Secure online database (Cloud Solution)

    Categories of Personal Data

    • Patient Name
    • NHS Number
    • DOB
    • Hospital ID
    • Clinical data
    • GP details
    • Clinical data
    • NHS Number
    • Address
    • Telephone Number

    Legal basis of processing

    For GDPR purposes Leeds community healthcare’s lawful basis for processing is Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’ and Article 6(1)(b) – ‘…for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party…’ and also Article 6(1)(c) – where processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject. For the processing of special categories (health) data the basis is Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’. Where we process special categories data for employment or safeguarding purposes the condition is Article 9(2)(b) – processing is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the controller or of the data subject in the field of employment and social security and social protection law…

  • Integrated Children’s Additional Needs Service (ICAN)

    ICAN is a service for children and young people who have additional needs due to developmental delay or disorders. We work with children and families to find out what goals they most want to achieve. We help to identify any underlying problems and give children and families the information they need to make choices about their care. We work with children, families and other people, such as other health workers, teachers and community workers, to identify the best way for children and young people to reach their outcomes. This may involve direct intervention for the child, but may also include support and training for other people or changes to the environment or activity.

    Purpose of processing

    Leeds Community Healthcare (LCH) through the I CAN service helps children and young people with disabilities to achieve their outcomes. This requires the processing of patient data. The reasons for processing patient data are:

    • To maintain an accurate vaccination record
    • To be able to effectively provide treatment to the patient
    • Processing referrals
    • Maintain accurate clinical records

    Source of data:

    • Direct from the patient or carer
    • SystmOne (LCH’s patient management system)
    • Other healthcare providers
    • LCH Child health service
    • Other social care providers

    Categories of recipient

    • SystmOne (LCH’s patient management system)
    • Patient or carer
    • GP practices
    • Child Health Service
    • Other social care services
    • Education services

    Categories of Personal Data

    • NHS number
    • Name
    • DOB
    • Address
    • Clinical records
    • Demographic
    • Child's plan for education and health

    Legal basis of processing

    For GDPR purposes Leeds community healthcare’s lawful basis for processing is Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’ and Article 6(1)(b) – ‘…for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party…’ and also Article 6(1)(c) – where processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject. For the processing of special categories (health) data the basis is Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’. Where we process special categories data for employment or safeguarding purposes the condition is Article 9(2)(b) – processing is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the controller or of the data subject in the field of employment and social security and social protection law…

  • Infant Mental Health

    Infant Mental Health service support parents, carers and professionals to make sure that every baby in Leeds has the best possible start in life.

    Purpose of processing

    We aim to promote emotional well-being in infants by supporting caregivers to build secure relationships with their babies.

    We support parents and carers in tackling challenges and developing ways to strengthen the unique relationship between them and their baby. 

    Source of data:

    • Midwifery service
    • LCH 0-19 service
    • Self referral (via Health Care Professional

    Categories of recipient

    • Health professionals

    Categories of Personal Data

    • Demographics
    • NHS Number
    • Clinical details
    • Appointment details

    Legal basis of processing

    For the processing of Personal Data:

    Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’

    For the processing of special categories data::

    Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’.


    Last review date

    December 2023

  • Leeds Pain Management Service

    Leeds Pain Management Service is a service for adults (18 years or over) who have been living with pain for more than 6 months

    Purpose of processing

    Leeds Community Healthcare through the Leeds Pain Management Service service work to help people manage persistent or chronic pain, providing support and advice to help improve your quality of life. Persistent pain is often referred to as chronic pain and both terms have the same meaning. This requires the processing of patient data. The reasons for processing patient data are:

    • Referrals
    • Letters from consultant
    • Maintain accurate clinical records
    • To be able to effectively provide treatment to the patient
    • Information update from other health professional involved in patient’s care

    Source of data:

    • SystmOne (LCH’s patient management system)
    • professionals
    • Healthcare professionals
    • Parent
    • Consultants
    • GP


    Categories of recipient

    • MSK team
    • Leeds Pain Management Service team
    • Pain team
    • Patient

    Categories of Personal Data

    • Patient name
    • NHS Number
    • Address
    • Date of birth
    • Clinical data
    • Telephone Number


    Legal basis of processing

    For GDPR purposes Leeds community healthcare’s lawful basis for processing is Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’

    For the processing of special categories (health) data the basis is Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’.


    Updated: December 2023

  • Leeds Mental Wellbeing Service (LMWS)

    We provide psychological treatments, sometimes called talking treatments, to help people who are stressed, experiencing low mood (depressed) or are very nervous (anxious), in line with the national requirements of the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) programme. We also provide mental health support in GP practices and specialist mental health support to women in the perinatal period with common mental health problems. Treatments and support is delivered across a number of locations in the city and can take place as part of a group, online, or on a one to one basis, and is available to people who are aged 17 or above and registered with a Leeds GP.

    Purpose of processing

    Leeds Community Healthcare and its partners provide psychological treatments and mental health support for adults in a range of locations across Leeds. This requires the processing of patient data. The reasons for processing patient data are:

    • To support the administration and provision of access to the service
    • To be able to effectively provide treatment to the patient
    • To maintain an accurate clinical record
    • To support the effective management of the health system

    Source of data:

    • Direct from patient
    • Primary Care provider


    Categories of recipient

    • Leeds York Partnership Foundation Trust
    • Primary Care provider
    • IESO
    • WCTS
    • Homestart
    • Silvercloud
    • Northpoint Wellbeing
    • Community Links
    • Touchstone

    Categories of Personal Data

    • Name
    • Address
    • DOB
    • Telephone Number
    • Ethnicity
    • Asylum Status
    • Disability
    • Sexual Orientation
    • Clinical data
    • Email

    Legal basis of processing

    For GDPR purposes Leeds Community Healthcare’s (and partners’) lawful basis for processing is Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’ and Article 6(1)(b) – ‘…for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party…’ and also Article 6(1)(c) – where processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject.

    For the processing of special categories (health) data the basis is Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’. Where we process special categories data for employment or safeguarding purposes the condition is Article 9(2)(b) – processing is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the controller or of the data subject in the field of employment and social security and social protection law…

  • Leeds Sexual Health Service

    The Leeds Sexual Health Service is provided by Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust (as Data Controller), in partnership with Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and  Leeds GP Confederation (As Data Processors).

    Purpose of processing

    As part of a contract commissioned by Leeds City Council, Leeds Sexual Health has set up to serve the needs of the Leeds population, to simplify the patient journey and expand access.

    The collective experience, knowledge and expertise of the partnership means it can continue to improve and provide innovative sexual and reproductive health services across the City.

    The service provides advice and treatment in regard to:

    • Contraception
    • STI
    • Pregnancy
    • Termination
    • HIV services

    Source of data:

    • Directly from service users
    • Other health professionals
    • SystmOne (LCH’s system that holds patients record)

    Categories of recipient

    • Patient
    • Health professionals

    Categories of Personal Data

    • Demographics
    • NHS Number
    • Clinical details
    • Appointment details

    Legal basis of processing

    For the processing of Personal Data:

    • Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’

    For the processing of special categories data::

    • Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’.

    Last review date

    June 24

  • Leeds Long COVID Community Rehabilitation Service

    Leeds Long COVID Community Rehabilitation Service has been developed to help people in Leeds who are experiencing new, long lasting problems 12 weeks or more after a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 infection which are significantly impacting how they are able to function in day-to-day life.

    This service is a partnership betweenis a partnership between Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust and The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. 

    Purpose of processing

    Multi-Disciplinary team consists of Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Dietitians and Rehabilitation Assistants, to provide rehabilitation for people in a clinic or home setting, using face to face and virtual consultations.

    The team are supported by consultants from The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust with specialities in rehabilitation medicine, cardiology, and respiratory medicine.

    Source of data:

    Referrals into this service are via:


    • GP
    • Neighbourhood Team
    • Community Respiratory Team


    Categories of recipient

    • Multidisciplinary Teams, as outlined above


    Categories of Personal Data

    • Patient name
    • NHS Number
    • Address
    • Date of birth
    • Clinical data
    • Telephone Number


    Legal basis of processing

    For GDPR purposes Leeds community healthcare’s lawful basis for processing is Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’ and Article 6(1)(b) – ‘…for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party…’ and also Article 6(1)(c) – where processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject.

    For the processing of special categories (health) data the basis is Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’.


    Updated: January 2024

  • Humberside Liaison and Diversion

    Humberside Liaison and Diversion offer advice and support for people when they first come into contact with the criminal justice system across the Humber

    Purpose of processing

    We identify people with mental health issues, learning difficulties, substance misuse and other vulnerabilities at an early stage and work with them to reduce the likelihood of re-offending. We assess their health and social needs to help them get the support they need. We work closely with the service users, police, courts, probation officers, Youth Offending Teams and other key organisations to inform decision-making about their care.

    Source of data:

    • Self referral
    • Custody Suites
    • Crown Prosecution Service
    • inpatient service
    • primary and secondary care services
    • the police
    • prison
    • probation service
    • social services,
    • solicitors
    • voluntary agencies and youth offending teams


    Categories of recipient

    • Health professionals
    • Social Care professionals
    • Other services as required


    Categories of Personal Data

    • Demographics
    • NHS Number
    • Clinical details
    • Appointment details


    Legal basis of processing

    For the processing of Personal Data:

    Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’

    For the processing of special categories data::

    Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’.


    Last review date

    January 2024

  • Musculoskeletal (MSK)

    Leeds musculoskeletal (MSK) and rehabilitation service strive to offer all patients referred to our service the highest quality evidence based treatments available. We are also dedicated to improving the information both patients and other health professionals have about their or their patient’s conditions and the services we offer.

    Purpose of processing

    Leeds community health care through the musculoskeletal and rehabilitation service aims to restore any imbalance in the musculoskeletal system, restoring previous levels of function and allowing the patient to return to previous levels of activity. This would require the processing of patient data. These are the reasons why patient data is processed:

    • Need for access to medical history of patient to assist in first appointment with MSK team and assessing clinician
    • To be able to effectively provide treatment to the patient
    • To provide information to enable patient’s health challenge to be discussed with secondary care colleagues to guide patient treatment and pathway.
    • To maintain an accurate clinical record

    Source of data:

    • GP Practice
    • Other health Professionals
    • Leeds teaching hospital trust (LTHT)
    • SG radiology
    • SystmOne (LCH’s system that holds patients record)
    • Directly from Patient
    • Solicitors

    Categories of recipient

    • Orthopaedic
    • Leeds teaching hospital trust (LTHT)
    • SG radiology
    • Patient
    • SystmOne

    Categories of Personal Data

    • NHS Number
    • Address
    • Phone number
    • Date of birth
    • Clinical data

    Legal basis of processing

    For GDPR purposes Leeds community healthcare’s lawful basis for processing is Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’ and Article 6(1)(b) – ‘…for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party…’ and also Article 6(1)(c) – where processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject. For the processing of special categories (health) data the basis is Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’. Where we process special categories data for employment or safeguarding purposes the condition is Article 9(2)(b) – processing is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the controller or of the data subject in the field of employment and social security and social protection law…

  • Neighbourhood Teams

    Leeds community healthcare through the Neighbourhood Teams

    • Make sure people have the right support, at the right time, in the right place by the right person.
    • Provides patient centered health and social care in the community - that is both clinically and cost effective.
    • Supports people to remain in their own homes and live as independently as possible with the best quality of life and living conditions.
    • Give patients the information, advice and tools they need to help themselves.
    • Promotes self-management to restore confidence and reduce hospital admissions, professional visits and dependency on medication.

    These would require the processing of patient data. This is the reason why patient data is processed

    • Referrals
    • To be able to effectively provide treatment to the patient
    • To maintain an accurate clinical record

    Source of data

    • SystmOne (LCH’s system that holds patients record)
    • Single point of urgent referral

    Categories of recipient

    • External NHS Organisation
    • Health professionals
    • Neighbourhood team

    Categories of Personal Data

    • Name
    • Date of birth
    • NHS Number
    • Ethnicity
    • Address
    • Primary carer
    • Telephone number
    • Siblings (names and ages)
    • Referrers details
    • School attended
    • Clinical data
    • Risks

    Legal basis of processing

    For GDPR purposes Leeds community healthcare’s lawful basis for processing is Article 6(1) e ‘…exercise of official authority…’ and Article 6(1) (b) – ‘…for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party…’ and also Article 6(1)(c) – where processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject. For the processing of special categories (health) data the basis is Article 9(2) (h) – ‘…health or social care…’ Where we process special categories data for employment or safeguarding purposes the condition is Article 9(2)(b) – processing is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the controller or of the data subject in the field of employment and social security and social protection law…

  • Neighbourhood Night Service

    The Neighbourhood Night Service operates from 21:30pm – 07:00am, seven days per week, across the whole of Leeds providing care for patients requiring nursing intervention in their own home.

    Purpose of processing

    Neighbourhood Night Service is part of a wider multi-disciplinary team and ensures that there is 24/7 nursing care for patients in the community.

    Source of data:

    Referrals into this service are via:

    • Neighbourhood Team
    • Hospital
    • Hospice


    Categories of recipient

    • Multidisciplinary Teams, as outlined above

    Categories of Personal Data

    • Patient name
    • NHS Number
    • Address
    • Date of birth
    • Clinical data
    • Telephone Number


    Legal basis of processing

    For GDPR purposes Leeds community healthcare’s lawful basis for processing is Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’ and Article 6(1)(b) – ‘…for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party…’ and also Article 6(1)(c) – where processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject.

    For the processing of special categories (health) data the basis is Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’.


    Updated: January 2024

  • Neurology

    The Neurology service provides assessment, advice, therapy, treatment and offers advice and support to family, carers and other professionals.

    Purpose of processing

    Leeds community health care through the neurology service has these objectives:

    • To provide specialist rehabilitation focused health interventions via interdisciplinary assessment and treatment programs.
    • To alleviate or reduce impact of specific impairments or complications associated with neurological conditions
    • To provide an appropriate level of support for people to gain, retain and/or regain independence and function
    • To maintain an accurate clinical record

    The objectives of the neurology service are achieved through the processing of referrals received, providing updates and review outcomes to the relevant health professionals and to produce a discharge report. A Bed state spread sheet is also produced. These would require the processing of patient data.

    Source of data:

    • Other health professionals
    • Directly from Patient

    Categories of recipients

    • Patient
    • GP Practice
    • Referrer

    Categories of Personal Data

    • Patient Name
    • NHS Number
    • Address
    • Phone number
    • Date of birth
    • Clinical data
    • Medication

    Legal basis of processing

    For GDPR purposes Leeds community healthcare’s lawful basis for processing is Article 6(1) e ‘…exercise of official authority…’ and Article 6(1) (b) – ‘…for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party…’ and also Article 6(1)(c) – where processing is necessary

    for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject. For the processing of special categories (health) data the basis is Article 9(2) (h) – ‘…health or social care…’ Where we process special categories data for employment or safeguarding purposes the condition is Article 9(2)(b) – processing is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the controller or of the data subject in the field of employment and social security and social protection law…

  • Patient experience

    The Patient experience team is part of the clinical governance team. Leeds community healthcare through the patient experience team is responsible for attending to clinical negligence claims, complaints and personal injury claims. These are the reason why patient data is processed and these would require the processing of patient data.

    Source of data

    • Directly from Patient
    • Patient representative (Family member, carer, friend, solicitor, advocate, MP)

    Categories of recipient

    • Patient experience team

    Categories of Personal Data

    • Patient Name
    • NHS Number
    • Address
    • DOB
    • Telephone Number
    • Clinical data

    Legal basis of processing

    For GDPR purposes Leeds community healthcare’s lawful basis for processing is Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’ and Article 6(1)(b) – ‘…for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party…’ and also Article 6(1)(c) – where processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject. For the processing of special categories (health) data the basis is Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’. Where we process special categories data for employment or safeguarding purposes the condition is Article 9(2)(b) – processing is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the controller or of the data subject in the field of employment and social security and social protection law…

  • Podiatry service

    The Leeds Community Podiatry Service provides podiatry (foot) care across the city - together with specialist services for priority groups and those eligible for care as part of a specialist service.

    Purpose of processing

    Leeds Community Healthcare through the Podiatry service provides core podiatry services including: management of damaged or infected nails, removal of corns, callous and nail surgery plus specialised clinics.

    The Community Podiatry Service will also share a minimum data set with podiatry’s professional body, The College of Podiatry. This data will be used to help articulate the case for podiatry including need and provision in the UK. To meet the individual treatment needs of patients, care is personalised and planned. This would require the processing of personal data. These are the reasons why patient data is processed:

    • Individual patient risk assessment
    • Progress Letter
    • Referral
    • SAR request
    • Test results
    • Professional Body Database – PodMo 20 (College of Podiatry)

    Source of data:

    • Other health Professionals
    • E-Referral system
    • SystmOne (LCH’s system that holds patients record)
    • Directly from Patient
    • Solicitors

    Categories of recipient

    • Patient
    • Podiatry team
    • Diabetics team
    • Orthopaedic team
    • Vascular team
    • Health Professionals
    • College of Podiatry

    Categories of Personal Data

    • Name
    • Date of birth
    • NHS Number
    • Phone number
    • X-ray images
    • Address
    • Clinical details
    • Body Mass Index
    • Gender
    • Pseudo anonymised data

    Legal basis of processing

    For GDPR purposes Leeds community healthcare’s lawful basis for processing is Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’ and Article 6(1)(b) – ‘…for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party…’ and also Article 6(1)(c) – where processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject. For the processing of special categories (health) data the basis is Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’. Where we process special categories data for employment or safeguarding purposes the condition is Article 9(2)(b) – processing is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the controller or of the data subject in the field of employment and social security and social protection law…

  • Research Team

    Leeds Community Healthcare Research Team aim to increase the amount of research the trust is involved in. We provide guidance and support to all LCH staff, as well as external researchers, in the management and approval of research and the implementation of the Trusts’ Research Strategy.

    Purpose of processing

    At Leeds Community Healthcare we already have research involvement in:

    • Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMHS)
    • Palliative Care
    • Primary Care Mental Health
    • Tissue Viability
    • Various Masters projects / PhD

    These would require the processing of patient data, and explicit consent is required before any form of processing is done. These are the reasons why patient data is processed:

    • To make an assessment of the patients current state of health as compared to state of health after research intervention or treatment
    • To provide a means to unbind the responsible clinician to the treatment a participant is receiving should there be a clinical reason to do so
    • To evidence that the patient has agreed to participate in a research study and they have agreed to specific terms of taking part.
    • To store research data that may be clinically significant either for individual patient where the trial is medical, or for the purpose of research

    Source of data

    • Directly from Patient

    Categories of recipient

    • Research sponsor
    • Research team

    Categories of Personal Data

    • Patient Name
    • NHS Number
    • Address
    • DOB
    • Clinical data relevant to the study
    • Telephone Number

    Legal basis of processing

    For GDPR purposes Leeds community healthcare’s lawful basis for processing is Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’ and Article 6(1)(b) – ‘…for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party…’ and also Article 6(1)(c) – where processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject. For the processing of special categories (health) data the basis is Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’. Where we process special categories data for employment or safeguarding purposes the condition is Article 9(2)(b) – processing is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the controller or of the data subject in the field of employment and social security and social protection law…

  • Respiratory

    The Community Respiratory Team is a multidisciplinary team providing expert Respiratory advice and treatment to improve outcome measures for people across the Leeds health and social care economy. The service is available for patients 18 and over who have a Leeds GP.

    Purpose of processing

    Referrals are made by the GP, other healthcare professional, or directly by the patient. To be able to action the referrals, provide advice and treatment and maintain and accurate clinical record, this requires the processing of patient data.

    Source of data:

    • Leeds teaching hospital trust (LTHT)
    • GP practice
    • Respiratory consultant
    • Patient

    Categories of recipients

    • Rapid access clinic
    • Chest clinic
    • Sleep clinic
    • Respiratory team

    Categories of Personal Data

    • Patient Name
    • NHS Number
    • Address
    • Phone number
    • Date of birth
    • Clinical data

    Legal basis of processing

    For GDPR purposes Leeds community healthcare’s lawful basis for processing is Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’ and Article 6(1)(b) – ‘…for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party…’ and also Article 6(1)(c) – where processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject. For the processing of special categories (health) data the basis is Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’. Where we process special categories data for employment or safeguarding purposes the condition is Article 9(2)(b) – processing is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the controller or of the data subject in the field of employment and social security and social protection law…

  • Safeguarding children and adults

    Leeds Community Healthcare Trust through Safeguarding children and adult service are committed to keeping children, young people and vulnerable adults safe within its premises and whilst in receipt of our services. Please see safeguarding children and adult page for further information.

    Purpose of processing

    The safeguarding team responds to and investigates safeguarding concern request, carries out domestic violence review. This requires the processing of patient data.

    Source of data:

    • Safer Leeds
    • Other organisations

    Categories of recipients

    • Safer Leeds
    • Safeguarding Team

    Categories of Personal Data

    • Patient Name
    • NHS Number
    • Address
    • DOB
    • Details of relevant family members
    • Staff witness statements
    • Safeguarding information

    Legal basis of processing

    For GDPR purposes Leeds community healthcare’s lawful basis for processing is Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’ and Article 6(1)(b) – ‘…for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party…’ and also Article 6(1)(c) – where processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject. For the processing of special categories (health) data the basis is Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’. Where we process special categories data for employment or safeguarding purposes the condition is Article 9(2)(b) – processing is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the controller or of the data subject in the field of employment and social security and social protection law…

  • School Immunisation

    The school immunisation team offers immunisations to all pupils who attend educational establishments throughout Leeds according to the national schedule. The primary aim of the team is to promote and deliver immunisations to increase vaccine uptake through various health promotion activities and planned sessions within schools.

    Purpose of processing

    Leeds community health care through the school immunisation team receives referrals from other health professionals, list of pupils from schools, and from the local authority. These all contain personal information that requires some form of processing to be able to deliver immunisation to the pupils.

    Source of data:

    • Parents
    • Schools
    • Local authority
    • Other health professionals

    Categories of recipients

    • School immunisation team

    Categories of Personal Data

    • Patient Name
    • NHS Number
    • Address
    • DOB
    • Detail of vaccines
    • Telephone Number
    • School names
    • Clinical data

    Legal basis of processing

    For GDPR purposes Leeds community healthcare’s lawful basis for processing is Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’ and Article 6(1)(b) – ‘…for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party…’ and also Article 6(1)(c) – where processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject. For the processing of special categories (health) data the basis is Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’. Where we process special categories data for employment or safeguarding purposes the condition is Article 9(2)(b) – processing is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the controller or of the data subject in the field of employment and social security and social protection law…

  • School nursing service

    The School Nursing Service works with school-aged children (attending Leeds state schools or living in Leeds), their parents/carers, other health professionals, education staff and other agencies to promote the health and wellbeing of children and enable them to reach their full potential.

    Purpose of processing

    The primary aim of Leeds Community Healthcare through the school nursing service is to achieve best health and wellbeing outcomes for school age children through the delivery of Health Child Programme (HCP). The HCP comprises of a series of health and development reviews, immunisations, health promotions and interventions tailored to individual risks and protective factors. This would require the processing of patient data. These are the reason why patient data is processed.

    • Referrals
    • Child protection meeting Invitation
    • Maintain accurate clinical records
    • To be able to effectively provide treatment to the patient
    • Continence orders
    • Education and healthcare plan
    • Move from primary to high school
    • A&E notification

    Source of data:

    • Health visiting team
    • Parent
    • School
    • SystmOne (LCH’s system that holds patients record)

    Categories of recipients

    • Health professional
    • Parent/carer
    • NHS supplies
    • Social worker
    • External agencies
    • Looked after Children team
    • Health and social care providers in Leeds
    • voluntary sectors

    Categories of Personal Data

    • Patient Name
    • NHS Number
    • Address
    • Phone number
    • Date of birth
    • Clinical data

    Legal basis of processing

    For GDPR purposes Leeds community healthcare’s lawful basis for processing is Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’ and Article 6(1)(b) – ‘…for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party…’ and also Article 6(1)(c) – where processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject. For the processing of special categories (health) data the basis is Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’. Where we process special categories data for employment or safeguarding purposes the condition is Article 9(2)(b) – processing is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the controller or of the data subject in the field of employment and social security and social protection law…

  • Single Point of Urgent Referral (SPUR)

    Leeds community healthcare works jointly with The Single Point of Urgent Referral (SPUR) team to process all referrals for people who are living in, or have a GP in Leeds and require a health or social care service.

    Purpose of processing

    This is the reason why patient data is processed

    • Referral

    Source of data

    The SPUR team uses 4 systems to receive and send out referrals. These systems are

    • CIS (Adult Social Care)
    • SystmOne (Leeds Community Healthcare Trust and other healthcare professionals)
    • PPM+(Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust)
    • Leeds Care Record

    Categories of recipient

    • Health professional
    • Administrative Staff

    Categories of Personal Data

    • Patient Name
    • NHS Number
    • Address
    • DOB
    • Telephone Number
    • Clinical Data
    • Next of Kin
    • Custody Number

    Legal basis of processing

    For GDPR purposes Leeds community healthcare’s lawful basis for processing is Article 6(1) e ‘…exercise of official authority…’ and Article 6(1)(b) – ‘…for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party…’ and also Article 6(1)(c) – where processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject.

    For the processing of special categories (health) data the basis is Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’. Where we process special categories data for employment or safeguarding purposes the condition is Article 9(2)(b) – processing is necessary for the purposes ofcarrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the controller or of the data subject in the field of employment and social security and social protection law…

  • Speech and Swallowing Team

    The community speech and swallowing team provide services for people struggling with a range of speech and swallowing disorders.

    Purpose of processing

    Leeds Community Healthcare through the speech and swallowing team meets the needs of adults who present with acquired communication and/or swallowing difficulties (largely neurological). This would require the processing of patient data. These are the reason why patient data is processed.

    • Referrals
    • Maintain accurate clinical records
    • To be able to effectively provide treatment to the patient
    • Complaints
    • Discharge / progress report

    Source of data:

    • GPs
    • Consultants
    • Relatives
    • Allied health professionals
    • SystmOne (LCH’s system that holds patients record)
    • Directly from Patient

    Categories of recipient

    • Patient
    • Social workers
    • Hospices
    • Advocates
    • Speech and Swallowing team
    • Day care management
    • GP
    • Carers

    Categories of Personal Data

    • Patient Name
    • NHS Number
    • Address
    • DOB
    • Telephone Number
    • Clinical data
    • Next of kin

    Legal basis of processing

    For GDPR purposes Leeds community healthcare’s lawful basis for processing is Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’ and Article 6(1)(b) – ‘…for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party…’ and also Article 6(1)(c) – where processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject. For the processing of special categories (health) data the basis is Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’. Where we process special categories data for employment or safeguarding purposes the condition is Article 9(2)(b) – processing is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the controller or of the data subject in the field of employment and social security and social protection law…

  • SpineFit+

    SpineFit+ is a service for adults (18 years or over) who have been living with pain for more than 6 months

    Purpose of processing

    Leeds Community Healthcare through the SpineFit+ service work to help people manage persistent or chronic pain, providing support and advice to help improve your quality of life. Persistent pain is often referred to as chronic pain and both terms have the same meaning.

    This requires the processing of patient data. The reasons for processing patient data are:

    • Referrals
    • Letters from consultant
    • Maintain accurate clinical records
    • To be able to effectively provide treatment to the patient
    • Information update from other health professional involved in patient’s care

    Source of data:

    • SystmOne (LCH’s patient management system)
    • professionals
    • Healthcare professionals
    • Parent
    • Consultants
    • GP

    Categories of recipient

    • MSK team
    • SpineFit+ team
    • Pain team
    • Patient

    Categories of Personal Data

    • Patient name
    • NHS Number
    • Address
    • Date of birth
    • Clinical data
    • Telephone Number

    Legal basis of processing

    For GDPR purposes Leeds community healthcare’s lawful basis for processing is Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’ and Article 6(1)(b) – ‘…for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party…’ and also Article 6(1)(c) – where processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject. For the processing of special categories (health) data the basis is Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’. Where we process special categories data for employment or safeguarding purposes the condition is Article 9(2)(b) – processing is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the controller or of the data subject in the field of employment and social security and social protection law…

  • Tuberculosis (TB) Service

    The Tuberculosis (TB) Liaison Nursing team is a specialist service offering advice and support on all aspects of TB to people of all ages throughout Leeds.

    Purpose of processing

    The Leeds Community Healthcare works in partnership with Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Public Health England to ensure a seamless service for patients in Leeds. Our work involves support and advice for all newly diagnosed individuals with TB, and provides ongoing support at home and in clinics throughout treatment. We arrange screening for people who have been in contact with TB cases depending on the infectivity of the case. This requires the processing of patient data. The reasons for processing patient data are:

    • Out of area referral
    • Latent TB cases
    • Maintain accurate clinical records
    • To be able to effectively provide treatment to the patient
    • Safeguarding or social care referral
    • Lab test requests

    Source of data:

    • SystmOne (LCH’s patient management system)
    • Directly from Individual
    • External organisations
    • Safeguarding pathway
    • Lab

    Categories of recipient

    • Health professional
    • Social care
    • TB team
    • Individual

    Categories of Personal Data

    • Name of individual
    • NHS Number
    • Date of birth
    • UK Arrival date
    • Clinical data
    • Screening outcome

    Legal basis of processing

    For GDPR purposes Leeds community healthcare’s lawful basis for processing is Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’ and Article 6(1)(b) – ‘…for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party…’ and also Article 6(1)(c) – where processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject. For the processing of special categories (health) data the basis is Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’. Where we process special categories data for employment or safeguarding purposes the condition is Article 9(2)(b) – processing is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the controller or of the data subject in the field of employment and social security and social protection law…

  • Watch It Family Weight Management Service

    The Watch It service is a community based weight management programme for children from 5 to 18 years of age and looks at getting active, eating healthily and staying happy. We are supported by children’s psychologists and nutritionists. For children up to 11 years we work with parents only because research tells us that this is the most helpful way to support


    Purpose of processing

    Leeds community healthcare through the Watch it service offer the following:

    • Weight management for overweight, very overweight children and young people.
    • Lifestyle advice and support for client families.
    • Assessment of individual family needs and signposting to other support.
    • Promotion of health and wellbeing.
    • General health information and advice.

    These would require the processing of patient data. These are the reason why patient data is processed.

    • Referral
    • Processing safeguarding Information
    • Outcome summary/Completion letter
    • Quarterly reports/Annual Reports

    Source of data

    • GP Practice
    • SystmOne (LCH’s system that holds patients record)
    • Directly from Patient
    • School nurses
    • School staff
    • Social worker
    • Paediatricians
    • Physio
    • Podiatrist
    • Parent/carer
    • Social worker
    • CAMHS

    Categories of recipient

    • Watch it service team
    • Other Agencies/Activity Partners
    • Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs)
    • Social care
    • CAMHS Team

    Categories of Personal Data

    • Name
    • NHS number
    • Date of birth
    • Gender
    • B M I

    Legal basis of processing

    For GDPR purposes Leeds community healthcare’s lawful basis for processing is Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’ and Article 6(1)(b) – ‘…for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party…’ and also Article 6(1)(c) – where processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject. For the processing of special categories (health) data the basis is Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’. Where we process special categories data for employment or safeguarding purposes the condition is Article 9(2)(b) – processing is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the controller or of the data subject in the field of employment and social security and social protection law…

  • Wetherby Young Offenders Institute

    Primary care services are delivered at HMP Wetherby Young Offenders Institute (WYOI) and Adel Beck Secure Children’s Home.

    Purpose of processing

    Leeds community healthcare through the HMYOI Wetherby provides custodial places for boys aged 15-18 and Adel Beck School houses both boys and girls aged between 10-18 years old who require a secure setting due for either welfare or criminal justice needs. We assess all young people using a universal health screening tool to make sure that all health needs are identified and met while they are in custody. These would require the processing of patient data. These are the reason why patient data is processed

    • To produce community records summary
    • Request to Registered GP for patient medical history
    • CHAT care plan
    • CHAT Discharge Summary
    • Subject Access Request
    • Transfer of medical record
    • Injury, allergy and disability report
    • Hospital Outpatient Appointments

    Source of data

    • SystmOne (LCH’s system that holds patients record)
    • Community medical program

    Categories of recipient

    • Youth offending Team
    • Care worker
    • Prison Caseworker
    • Prison Social Worker

    Categories of Personal Data

    • Patient Name
    • NHS Number
    • Address
    • DOB
    • Prison Number
    • Medical records

    Legal basis of processing

    For GDPR purposes Leeds community healthcare’s lawful basis for processing is Article 6(1)e ‘…exercise of official authority…’ and Article 6(1)(b) – ‘…for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party…’ and also Article 6(1)(c) – where processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject. For the processing of special categories (health) data the basis is Article 9(2)(h) – ‘…health or social care…’. Where we process special categories data for employment or safeguarding purposes the condition is Article 9(2)(b) – processing is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the controller or of the data subject in the field of employment and social security and social protection law…

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