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Board Declarations of Interest

Every year the taxpayer entrusts NHS organisations with funding to care for millions of people which must be spent well, and free from undue influence. To deliver high quality and innovation care organisations need to work collaboratively with each other, local authorities, industry and other public, private and voluntary bodies. Partnership working brings many benefits, but also creates the risk of conflicts of interest.

The Trust is required to publish the interests of decision making staff at least annually in a prominent place on the Trust’s website.

At Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust, we have defined ‘decision making staff’ as those staff are likely to be budget holders and /or those with purchasing influence within the Trust.

For the purposes of this policy and procedure decision making staff are:

  • Executive and Non-Executive Directors (or equivalent roles) who have decision making roles which involve the deployment of resources
  • Those at Agenda for Change band 8d and above
  • Administrative and clinical staff who have the power to enter into contracts on behalf of their organisation
  • Administrative and clinical staff involved in decision making concerning the commissioning of services, purchasing of goods, medicines, medical devices or equipment, and formulary decision.

It’s fundamental that staff at the Trust are transparent and adhere to both our local policy and guidance set out by NHS England and declare any appropriate conflicts of interest against the clearly defined rules. Our ‘decision making staff’ are required to make either positive or nil declarations, aligned to each financial year. All other staff grades of staff are required to make positive declarations on receipt of any gift, hospitality or sponsorship or any known interest that may be a conflict to them and the Trust.

Click here for the register for decision making staff

Key Documents 

The Trust operates, at all times, within a range of statutory and mandatory regulations and national guidance that together provide a framework for the appropriate governance of the Trust. In the main, these are enacted through the Trust’s standing orders, standing financial instructions and scheme of reservation and delegation of powers.

Download the full document here

Under Leeds Community Healthcare’s Standing Orders, Board committees and other groups undertake work on behalf of the Board.  At times it may be necessary for urgent matters that the Board, Board Committees and other groups would normally consider at meetings, to be dealt with between meetings.  These matters would then be formally reported at subsequent meetings for ratification. This procedure outlines how requests for Chief Executive and Chair’s action, and Committee’s urgent matters should be managed.

Download the full document here

Committee Terms of Reference

Audit Committee Terms of Reference

Business Committee Terms of Reference

Charitable Funds Committee Terms of Reference

Nominations and Remuneration Committee Terms of Reference

Quality Committee Terms of Reference

For more information on the self-assessment please contact the Trust’s Company Secretary via email on

Board and Committee Governance Structure 

The Trust’s Board has appointed five sub-committees to carry out specific functions and provide assurance that the Trust is carrying out its duties effectively, efficiently and economically.

View the Board and Committee Governance structure here

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