We offer advice and support for people when they first come into contact with the criminal justice system across the Humber. This includes suspects, defendants and offenders.
We identify people with mental health issues, learning difficulties, substance misuse and other vulnerabilities at an early stage and work with them to reduce the likelihood of re-offending. We assess their health and social needs to help them get the support they need. We work closely with the service users, police, courts, probation officers, Youth Offending Teams and other key organisations to inform decision-making about their care.
As early as possible we ensure that people are screened and assessed. Our work includes:
- Providing advice, guidance and signposting to relevant support services to suit location and need.
- Developing a care plan and specialist assessment of needs when the person is seen.
- Transferring individuals as needed in to the community outreach team and a bespoke community-based care package with allocated support workers and volunteers implemented.
- Working in courts, with probation officers, Youth Offending Teams and other key organisations to inform proceedings and support court decision-making when sentencing.
Who's it for?
We care about the individual and aim to reduce the likelihood of reoffending. Our team will work with service users and the organisations they will come into contact with to create a support package aimed at breaking the cycle of crime that vulnerable people can develop.
We help with:
Mental health
Substance misuse
Learning disability
Speech and language issues
Capacity for effective participation in criminal justice procedures
Cultural and gender needs
Age and development related needs
Neuro-disability needs
Social vulnerabilities (including, relationships, daily living, educational and occupational needs, employment/vocational needs, housing, finance)
How to access the service/Referrals
If you want our help you can refer yourself. You can also ask someone at the custody suite or court to refer you. Referrals can be made by the Crown Prosecution Service, inpatient service, primary and secondary care services, the police, prison, probation and court, social services, solicitors, voluntary agencies and youth offending teams.
Referrals to the service can be made 7 days a week by calling either Clough Road on 01482 347783 or Birchin Way on 01472 266511. If we are not available to take your call please leave us a message and we will phone you back.
Or you can e-mail us at Landd.leedscommunity@nhs.net
Please contact us at either:
Clough Road Police Station - 01482 347783 or
Birchin Way - 01472 266511
If we are not available to take your call please leave us a message and we will phone you back.
We are currently reviewing our website to make all content accessible. If you are looking for a download, such as a leaflet or booklet that you can no longer find, please contact the service on the details above.
The Humber Liaison and Diversion service is provided by Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust and Community Links.